The 7 Best Prioritization Models In Agile Development (2024)

You use prioritization to make sure you get the best out of agile product development. Here are the seven best prioritization models to try.


What prioritization models are the best for agile product development?

We’ve gathered for you the best prioritization models:

Agile product development can be much more complex than regular development processes, especially since it comprises several self-organizing teams. That presents some unprecedented potential problems.
Managing the product team while trying to release the product can be a bit challenging. This is why agile product managers and teams prefer to work with prioritization techniques at the beginning, such as the Value vs. Effort or RICE prioritization models that are also built into StoriesOnBoard that you can freely try out.
How to Apply the Rice Framework to Your Product Backlog?
With proper planning, you can save time spent fighting fires.
The 7 Best Prioritization Models In Agile Development (1)

1. Kano Model

The Kano agile product development prioritization model takes into consideration actionableproduct feedback from usersin development.
That information is then used to assess which features should be prioritized in product development.
When using the Kano Model, you have to determine the impact of each feature.

These are classified into three different categories, which are

  • must-have/basic features,
  • exciters and
  • delighters, as well as performance/linear aspects of the product.

By gauging the significance of each feature using the Kano Model, you can determine what to prioritize during development.

When assessing what to prioritize using the Kano Model, you use anX and Y-axisto determine the significance of each feature. As a result, you get a visual representation of what needs to be prioritized. It can also be more visually aesthetic for presentations. It is one of the simplest prioritization models that can help bring in team cooperation as everyone knows what they have to prioritize.
How to Do Backlog Prioritization Easily and Efficiently?

2. Opportunity Scoring

Opportunity scoring is a highly effective prioritization model. Any organization can use it when developing agile products. This prioritization framework uses data from user research to find out what they expect from a product of your kind. That can help shape the schedule you have started planning because you’ll get to see the problems that customers expect to be resolved quickly.

In that way, you can readjust the schedule to be suitable and accommodating to those customer expectations. At the same time, you can also prioritize certain features on the budget by using the opportunity scoring model.

If you recognize that the majority of the customers you’re targeting don’t care for certain features you’ve planned to invest a lot of money in, you can even change them. You may reappropriate the budget and also readjust the human resources to more big-ticket items in accordance with user research. You can then develop other features to improve the product at a later stage.

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3. Stack Ranking

Stack Ranking is one of the best prioritization models for evaluating necessary and non-necessary product features. You can then use those findings to ascertain what is necessary and what your product can do without prioritization purposes. However, the catch with stack ranking is that you have to try and determine what to prioritize by comparing features.

This relative comparison method can be a little challenging because the features you have brainstormed have to go toe to toe with each other. Being objective can help you prioritize the features that deserve priority and then deal with the others as time goes on.

Instead of thinking about what you think deserves priority, get into the customer’s shoes. What will they expect? Which features simplify their user experience?
Understanding this will help you determine what customers expect your team to prioritize. This prioritization model works on all kinds of product development processes.
Prioritize User Stories Like a UX Designer

4. Priority Poker

Priority Poker is a prioritization model in agile product development derived from the actual game of cards. When you are playing poker, you’re essentially prioritizing in a calculative manner and if done right, this can yield great results. The same applies when playing priority pokerduring agile product development. You prioritize the big-ticket items that will lead to a massive victory in whatever market you’re targeting.

How does this work? A project manager will gather all the stakeholders involved in the project. Sometimes even the end users are part of this process. Each stakeholder will vote for the significance or impact of each task and feature that is scheduled to be done.

Using that information, the project manager will moderate the answers and release a prioritized schedule. In that way, it is not one person making the decision but involves all the stakeholders. If the end-users were present, your results would be much more effective but this is not a requirement for playing priority poker.
The 7 Best Prioritization Models In Agile Development (2)

5. MoSCoW Model

Although the MoSCoW model might have its origins mistaken for Russia, this is not the case because its name is an abbreviation.
  • Mo stands for Must be, which are features that the product cannot do without and must be included.
  • S stands for Should have, which are features that should be included but are not that critical.
  • C stands for Could have, which are features that just improve the experience but are not critical to the operation and functionality of the product.
  • W stands for Won’t have, which are features the stakeholders have ruled against and won’t be part of the product.
By prioritizing features using the work MoSCoW, you can prioritize the most important aspects first, which is the main objective of prioritization in agile product development. Essentially, products that are under M and S should be your priorities whereas, C is not that much of a priority. W is a canceled or delayed feature to a later version, not the one you’re working on.
Master User Requirements with MoSCoW Prioritization Model

6. Cost of Delay

The Cost of Delay prioritization model is a model that helps you determine the amount of money you’re chance of losing if some features are not available. Essentially, you are getting in front of fighting fires. Therefore, it is a proactive battle to ensure that there aren’t any emergencies that bleed money.
By ascertaining how much money the company might lose each day by delaying the feature or task, you can determine how urgent they are. As a result, you will have a carefully planned schedule that contributes to the overall budget savings. Therefore, this prioritization model is more in the financial domain and has nothing to do with user experience or customer satisfaction.
While you can take these aspects into account when calculating the Cost of Delay, it is not the main objective of this prioritization model. By using this prioritization technique alongside others, the results would both be financially and emotionally justified.

7. 100 Dollar Test

Cumulative Voting, colloquially known as the 100 Dollar Test, can be a simple yet very effective prioritization model. It is similar to priority poker. The only difference is that the stakeholders are given a fixed amount of points to use in a vote.
The 7 Best Prioritization Models In Agile Development (3)

Each stakeholder has a figurative 100 dollar bill and they vote by spending a certain amount on that particular feature. Once all the 100 points are spent, the votes are tallied and the moderator finds out what needs to be prioritized according to the units on each feature.

Ensuring that every stakeholder is represented will result in a fair and equal grading system that has the best interests of the product at heart. This is especially important since agile product development has different teams collaborating on the project.

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The bottom line: Choose the prioritization model that works for your team

These prioritization models are a paramount part of project planning and management. Without an effective prioritization strategy, you might end up bleeding a lot of money from the project. Also, the project might not have an impact on the intended customers. Therefore, it is important to use an objective prioritization grading system that contributes to a successful agile product development project.
StoriesOnBoard can help you prioritize your ideas by sorting story cards into releases. Keep an ‘unsorted’ release category at the bottom of your map where you can always pick tasks and features in case you need to fill up a sprint.
About the Author: Charlie Svensson is an engaging freelance content writer and blogger having work experience withthesis writing servicesand anessay writing servicewhere he providesessay helpto college students. Some of his favorite topics include education, digital marketing, motivation, technology and self-growth. He can write for a wide variety of audiences and adapt to new demands with great ease.
The 7 Best Prioritization Models In Agile Development (2024)


The 7 Best Prioritization Models In Agile Development? ›

The MoSCoW method is a four-step approach to prioritizing which project requirements provide the best return on investment (ROI). MoSCoW stands for must have, should have, could have and will not have -- the o's make the acronym more pronounceable. A variety of business disciplines use the MoSCoW method.

What are the prioritization techniques in agile? ›

Here is the list of popular prioritization techniques:
  • MoSCoW prioritization.
  • Kano model.
  • Relative weighting method.
  • Opportunity Scoring.
  • Stack Ranking.
  • Priority Poker.
  • Cost of Delay.
  • 100 Dollar Test.
Feb 23, 2023

What is the MoSCoW method of prioritization in agile? ›

The MoSCoW method is a four-step approach to prioritizing which project requirements provide the best return on investment (ROI). MoSCoW stands for must have, should have, could have and will not have -- the o's make the acronym more pronounceable. A variety of business disciplines use the MoSCoW method.

What are prioritization techniques? ›

What are prioritization techniques? Prioritization techniques for agile are tools that help you prioritize a list of tasks or actions in very different manners. The idea behind these techniques is to increase your productivity by helping you define and manage priorities.

What is the highest priority in agile methodology? ›

The original formulation of the first of the Agile principles says, "our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software".

What is the highest priority principle in agile? ›

The 12 Principles behind the Agile Manifesto

Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.

What is the 5 priorities model? ›

The 5 Priorities Model helps individuals and organisations focus their energy and resources to maximum effect. It does this by picking out and focusing on priorities that need to be done first. Five is a handy number for people to remember. In fact, it's literally HANDY, as we have five fingers on each hand!

What are the 3 D's of prioritizing? ›

Productivity, Efficiency & the Three Ds: Do It, Defer It or Delegate It (to Civil Action Group)

What is the rule of 3 in prioritization? ›

This: Every morning, before you start working, write down Three Things you want to get done today. Then start doing them. That's it!

What is Kaizen agile? ›

A Kaizen (Japanese for "good change") is the result of the Sprint Retrospective. It is collaboratively identified within the event by the entire Scrum team to solve the team's most important problem or help the team continuously evolve.

What is Kano prioritization? ›

The Kano Model (pronounced “Kah-no”) is an approach to prioritizing features on a product roadmap based on the degree to which they are likely to satisfy customers.

What does MoSCoW mean in agile? ›

MoSCoW (Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, Won't Have this time) is primarily used to prioritise requirements, although the practice is also useful in many other areas.

Which is a good prioritization tool? ›

Scoro. Scoro is an all-in-one work management software tool designed to help agencies and consultancies streamline their work. This task prioritization tool helps users track their time, see if it's being used optimally, and manage projects in the most productive way.

How is prioritization done in scrum? ›

Prioritizing can be defined as determining the order and separating what must be done now, from what needs to be done later. Scrum uses Value-based Prioritization as one of the core principles that drives the structure and functionality of the entire Scrum framework.

What are two prioritization strategies? ›

Prioritization Strategies:

Use lists. Do the worst thing first. The Most Important Task Methodology (MIT) The Eisenhower Decision Matrix (Urgent-Important Matrix)

What are the 4 Agile Manifesto? ›

The four core values of Agile software development as stated in the Agile Manifesto are as follows: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Working software over comprehensive documentation. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.

What are the 5 principles of agile? ›

Agile Principles
  • Customer Satisfaction. The customer needs to be satisfied with the quick delivery of the product.
  • Welcome Change. Even late in the development process, changing needs need to be addressed.
  • Deliver Frequently. ...
  • Work Together. ...
  • Motivated Team. ...
  • Face-to-face. ...
  • Working Software. ...
  • Constant Pace.
Jun 14, 2023

What are the 4 principles of agile? ›

The four Agile Manifesto values are:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. ...
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation. ...
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation. ...
  • Responding to change over following a plan.
Mar 18, 2022

Which Agile methodology has 7 principles? ›

Lean software development is a concept that helps build the right product in the right way. It is based on seven key principles: eliminating waste, amplifying learning, deciding late, delivering fast, empowering the team, building quality in, and optimizing the whole.

What are the 3 pillars of Scrum? ›

The 3 pillars of Scrum empiricism at the base of the Scrum framework are: Transparency, Inspection, Adaptation. Scrum pillars and values are what contribute to Scrum's success. Without Scrum pillars of empiricism, you run the risk of being inefficient and going in circles without moving forward.

What is the hierarchy in agile? ›

The Agile Hierarchy preset allows you to visualize any project (or multiple projects) in a traditional Agile hierarchy (Epics > Stories/Tasks > Sub-tasks). The Agile Hierarchy preset works for both Company-managed and Team-managed projects, and it allows you to combine both types of projects into a single structure.

What are your top 5 priorities? ›

Here are the top five things to prioritize in life:
  1. Good health. Health is wealth! ...
  2. Family and Relationships. Be social, dress well, go out with family, go out with friends, and have some fun. ...
  3. Confidence, Self-Investment, and Self-Improvement. ...
  4. Money / Work. ...
  5. Balance of mind, body, and soul.

What is a pyramid of priorities? ›

What is a Priority Pyramid? The priority pyramid is a visual prioritization method that helps to make decisions on the most important things to work on. Through limited space the group is guided to filter tasks and agree on priorities.

What are different types of priorities? ›

Examples of Priorities
  • Work.
  • Family.
  • Health.
  • Home.
  • Relationships.
  • Friendships.
  • Hobbies.
  • Recreation/Fun.
Apr 29, 2018

What are the 4 P's of time management? ›

Now that you understand the importance of time management, let's explore the four P's of time management – prioritisation, planning, productivity and positivity.

What is the 4 quadrant Eisenhower methodology of prioritization? ›

The Eisenhower Matrix is also known as the time management matrix, the Eisenhower Box, and the urgent-important matrix. This tool helps you divide your tasks into four categories: the tasks you'll do first, the tasks you'll schedule for later, the tasks you'll delegate, and the tasks you'll delete.

What are the 4 D's of prioritization? ›

The 4 D's of time management are Delete, Delegate, Defer and Do. The 4 D's are time management technique that stands as the perfect mechanism to define and prioritize the status of certain tasks or even the project itself.

What is 100 point method prioritization? ›

The 100-Point Method, is another way to prioritize features. In this method, each stakeholder is given 100 points that he can use to vote for the most important requirements. How the stakeholders distribute the 100 points is up to them.

What is rule of 3 in agile? ›

J.D. Meier

The Rule of Three is a very simple way to get better results with skill. Rather than get overwhelmed by your tasks, you get intentional about your three victories that you want to accomplish. Think in Three Wins. This puts you in control, now matter how chaotic things are around you.

What is the 333 method of productivity? ›

The 3/3/3 method

Three hours per day to work on an important current project; three urgent but less time-consuming things (including meetings); and. three “maintenance” tasks” (for example e-mails, but also micro-learning, etc.).

What is a Gemba walk in agile? ›

A Gemba Walk is one of the most common practices in SAFe — which is a scaled Agile framework that encourages lean practices from production systems. Put simply, a Gemba Walk means to go see what is actually going on where valuable work happens.

Is Six Sigma Agile? ›

Six Sigma offers agile teams the roadmap (DMAIC), approach and techniques, which can help them effectively define and work on the problems and issues affecting their quality and performance.

Is scrum better than Six Sigma? ›

Difference Between Six Sigma and Scrum

Both are effective at improving quality and reducing waste. However, have very different goals, especially in measuring success. Six Sigma aims to reduce defects by improving processes and tools, while Scrum aims to reduce defects by building products that people want.

What are the 5 categories of Kano model? ›

Kano's Five Emotional Response Types
  • Must-be (or must have) features.
  • Performance features.
  • Attractive features.
  • Indifferent features.
  • Reverse features.

What are the 5 features of Kano model? ›

The Kano Model incorporates five categories: basic, performance/satisfiers, excitement/delighters, indifferent attributes, reverse attributes. Each of these has its own degree of importance to users. A product which lacks certain basic features could suffer from reduced functionality and irritate users.

How do you Prioritise a backlog? ›

One of the most common methods of prioritizing the product backlog is stack ranking. Stack ranking is done by sorting each task by priority. In this way, the task with the most critical functionalities is set at the highest rank, followed by the next set of important tasks.

What do the 3 C's stand for in agile? ›

In this talk we'll introduce DevOps and discuss the three C's of DevOps: Character, Collaboration, and Community.

What does C stand for in MoSCoW prioritization method? ›

The term MOSCOW itself is an acronym derived from the first letter of each of four prioritization categories: M - Must have, S - Should have, C - Could have, W - Won't have.

What does time boxing means in agile terms? ›

A timebox is a set amount of time during which work must be completed in Agile software development. Timeboxes are frequently employed to control risk in software development. Development teams are commonly given a deadline of certain weeks and requested to produce a releasable update to the software.

Which is prioritization tool in Six Sigma? ›

A prioritization matrix can also refer to a specific Six Sigma technique for continuous improvement. It is one of the seven management tools used in the Six Sigma methodology. In this context, a prioritization matrix is a visual diagram used to compare multiple (at least two) sets of data using weighted criteria.

What is in the popular prioritization technique called? ›

MoSCoW prioritization, also known as the MoSCoW method or MoSCoW analysis, is a popular prioritization technique for managing requirements.

Who prioritizes the backlog in scrum? ›

The product owner prioritizes the backlog at the start of the project, but doesn't adjust it as feedback rolls in from developers and stakeholders. The team limits items on the backlog to those that are customer-facing.

Who prioritizes Sprint backlog? ›

Who executes the work of the sprint backlog? The entire scrum team is responsible for creating and maintaining the sprint backlog: The product owner is responsible for the user stories being completed, prioritized, and ready for development.

What is the 1 2 3 system for establishing priorities? ›

Prioritizing Tasks with the 1-2-3 Technique

Under "1", note the most important and/or time-critical task. Under "2" you note the two tasks that are also time-critical and/or important, but do not have top priority today. Under "3" you note three smaller tasks that you would like to complete today.

Which task should be the first priority? ›

Important and urgent tasks are your top priorities. Important but not urgent tasks are lower priorities—things you should schedule for later. Urgent but not important tasks are good candidates for delegation. Not urgent or important tasks are things you probably just shouldn't do.

How do you prioritize multiple high priority tasks? ›

8 tips on how to manage multiple tasks
  1. Make a master to-do list.
  2. Organize tasks by priority.
  3. Break tasks down into smaller activities.
  4. Limit distractions.
  5. Create meeting agendas.
  6. Adjust to changing deadlines.
  7. Be open to advice.
  8. Ask for help.
Jan 28, 2022

What is prioritization technique in scrum? ›

Prioritizing can be defined as determining the order and separating what must be done now, from what needs to be done later. Scrum uses Value-based Prioritization as one of the core principles that drives the structure and functionality of the entire Scrum framework.

What are the three levels prioritization? ›

Priority levels are typically assigned as high, medium, and low. High-priority tasks should be completed first, followed by medium and then low-priority tasks. To assign a priority level to your tasks, consider the urgency of the task in relation to its importance in addition to the pointers explained above.

What are the prioritization methods for user stories? ›

Perhaps the most popular user story prioritization technique is the MoSCoW model. MoSCoW stands for Must-have, Should-have, Could-have, and Won't-have. These four categories label the importance of user stories within an iteration or release.

What is Rice method of prioritization? ›

The RICE scoring model is a prioritization framework designed to help product managers determine which products, features, and other initiatives to put on their roadmaps by scoring these items according to four factors. These factors, which form the acronym RICE, are reach, impact, confidence, and effort.

What is the ABC rule of prioritization? ›

Another common method for prioritizing tasks is the ABC method, which ranks each task with the letter A, B, or C. The most important tasks on your time management plan are given the letter A, less important tasks the letter B, and the least important tasks the letter C.

What is the ABC of prioritization? ›

The ABC Method was originally developed by Alan Lakein and consists of assigning a priority status of “A,” “B,” or “C” to each of the items of your to-do list or task list. High priority, very important, critical items, with close deadlines or high level importance to them.

What are the 3 C's of user stories in agile? ›

These 3 C's are Cards, Conversation, and Confirmation. These are essential components for writing a good User Story.

What are some ways to prioritize a backlog in agile? ›

7 Tips to Prioritize Your Product Backlog
  • Determine a bucketing system for organizing items on your backlog. ...
  • Arrange the top items on your product backlog to represent your next sprint. ...
  • Don't include any task lower than second-level priority on the backlog.


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